
If you are seeing this, you have successfully signed up for this Eating Empowered course. Welcome!

When you sign up for a course with Eating Empowered, you have access to a board certified psychologist and a licensed registered dietitian. During this Healthy Living 101 course we are covering:

  • Developing a Health Vision: get really clear about why making changes to your diet is important to you.
  • What to Eat: a review of the components of a healthy meal, portion control and the importance of choosing good quality foods.
  • When to Eat: guidance in regards to the timing of your meals and snacks.
  • How to Eat: education about how our body digests foods and how to harness that information to feel full and satisfied after eating.
  • Mindful Eating: teaching you how to tune into your body and make eating a pleasurable experience.
  • Cognitive distortions: how to eliminate the negative thoughts running through your head that sap your motivation.

Tips for Being Successful in this Course:

  1. Choose a time each week to complete the material. Make it a priority and stick to it.
  2. Complete the worksheets and food logs that are provided in a thoughtful manner.
  3. Call in to the conference call each week. Participate by asking questions and seeking/giving support to others.
  4. Comment at least once per week in the module, and respond to the comments of others.
  5. Consider the growth mindset- constantly evaluate your progress. A true healthy lifestyle will be flexible and sustainable, not rigid and uncomfortable.

The course officially begins in January, 2018. New modules will be published each week. We encourage you to log onto to this course at the beginning of the week to print the worksheets, read or watch the material and leave a comment. We strongly encourage you to not only comment about your experiences, but to respond to the comments of others. This helps build an online community that will be invaluable to your efforts at true lifestyle change.

Please see our video below to "meet" your course instructors!

To introduce yourself, please post a comment with 1-2 sentences that capture your experience with managing your weight in the past.

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